(ax, radius, long_asc_node, inclination, start, end, npts, line_format)¶ Draw an arc centered on the origin
The arc lies on a plane which intersects the xy plane at the longitude of the ascending node with the specified inclination. The start and end points are angles measured along the inclined plane from this intersection.
:param radius : radius of the arc :type radius : float
:param long_asc_node : longitude (deg) where vector crosses the orbit :type long_asc_node : float
:param inclination : tilt of the arc’s plane (deg) :type inclination : float
:param start : first longitude measured on inclined plane from intersection :type start : float (degrees)
:param end : last longitude measured on inclined plane from intersection :type end : float (degrees)
:param npts : number of points :type npts : int
:param line_format : standard matplotlib symbol code, like “k-” :type line_format : str