Single Dish Radio Astronomy Software Tools

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Astrophysics Package

Astrophysics functions and modules



Returns the sky brightness in K due to galactic synchrotron radiation at the north celestial pole given the frequency f in MHz

Astrophysics.Pulsars Package

package Astrophysics.Pulsars - analyze pulsar data


  1. Effects related to propagation of pulsed signals (main module).

  2. Pulsar data from the Parkes Catalogue (module pulsar_data)

  3. Fast folding algorithm for DM searching using numpy (module np_ffa).


DfDt(f_GHz, DM)

Given the frequency in GHz, and the dispersion measure in pc/cm^3, returns the slope of f vs t in MHz/microsec

broadening(f, dm[, model, dalpha])

Pulse broadeing due to interstellar scattering

differential_time_delay(DM, f, BW)

Given the dispersion measure in cm^-3/pc, f in GHz, BW in MHz returns time_delay in microseconds

drift_rate(f, electron_density, path_length)

Given the frequency f in Hz, the mean electron density, and the path length, returns the drift rate in Hz/s

emission_measure(electron_density, path_length)

electron density in electrons/cc


Return the base 10 logarithm of x.

propagation_delay(electron_density, …)

EM radiation propagation time

time_delay(DM, f)

EM transit time from dispersion measure

Indices and tables