(ax, data, interp=0, plot_title='', x_lbl='', y_lbl='', x_lim=(), y_lim=(), gridding=False, leg_loc='best')¶ Plot data, which is a list of sublists, [[x,y,f,l],[x,y,f,l],…,[x,y,f,l]]
- Parameters
- (AxesSubplot) axis where the data will be plotted (ax) –
- (list of lists) with x,y,f(ormat),l(abel) (data) –
- (str) (plot_title) –
- (str) (y_lbl) –
- (str) –
- (tuple) minimum and maximum X (x_lim) –
- (tuple) minimum and maximum Y (y_lim) –
- (bool) whether to draw a grid (gridding) –
- (int or str) legend location (leg_loc) –
Each sublist contains:
x - the independent variable array y - the dependent variable array f - format for plot line or markers l - the label string for this data set