Single Dish Radio Astronomy Software Tools¶
For an overview of SDRAST and the current status please visit
These packages are in a very preliminary state and need lots of work. Some code is obsolete or buggy from not having been used and therefore not maintained a long time.
Base Class Module¶
Data_Reduction Package¶
Modules to support data reduction in Python.
The main purpose of the base module Data_Reduction
is to provide a
suplerclass with a good set of attributes and methods to cover all common needs.
The base module is also able to read data from a text file as a numpy
structured array. This is done with a class called DataGetterMixin
must be invoked after the base class has been initiated.
The module function examine_text_data_file()
reveals the structure of the
file(s) that provide the data..
Here we initiate a base class after mixing in the data getter. The first line o
the file has column names but the first three columns are all under one
name UTC
so we specify column widths to consider the first three columns
to be one column. We use the names from the first line of the file, which
could have been done with an open()
, readline()
, and close()
mixIn(Observation, DataGetterMixin)
obs = Observation(dss=28, date="2012/127", project="SolarPatrol")
names="UTC Epoch Chan Tsys Int Az El Diode Level".split())
Now the data getter is already mixed in to Observation so we don’t need to do
it again. In this case we specify the names of the columns, changing Int
obs2 = Observation(dss=28, date="2012/127", project="SolarPatrol")
obs2.open_datafile('t12127.10', skip_header=1,
names="Year DOY UTC Epoch Chan Tsys Integr Az El Diode Level".split())
The class Map inherits from DataGetterMixin, so no explicit mixin required:
obsmap = Map(dss=84, date="2020/163", project="SolarPatrol")
obsmap.initialize('sim-venus.dat', source="Venus")
Let’s examine obsmap
. We have only one signal column:
In [3]:
Out[3]: dict_keys(['xl'])
In [4]:['xl'].keys()
Out[4]: dict_keys(['freq', 'bw', 'pol', 'ifmode', 'atten', 'power'])
Examine a file to guide |
Returns the directories where data and working files are kept |
Provides project, station, year and DOY, asking as needed. |
Class for getting data from a CSV file. |
Class for all the data and methods associated with a raster scan map |
Map class without special features for GAVRT and Malargue |
superclass for a data structure and methods |
Class for raw data |
Base class for an observing session on a given year and DOY |
Class for spectra |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶

Data_Reduction.plotting Module¶
Provides subclasses with plotting capability for the base classes
Class Inheritance Diagram¶

Context Modules¶
Data_Reduction.DSN Package¶
Subclasses for reducing data taken with DSN-like open loop recorders.
Open-loop recorders are raw IF voltage recorders that are not synchronized with the communications between the spacecraft and the ground station. As such, they are the most basic kind of recorder possible in radio astronomy, equivalent to VLBI recorders. Indeed, an early implementation was known as the “VLBI Science Recorder” (VSR), followed by later varieties of VSR and eventually, the OSR.
OLR recordings at different stations are indeed combined for VLBI measurements of spacecraft with respect to distant radio sources, a powerful navigation tool.
Raw IF recordings can be computational converted into any of the standard signal types used in radio astronomy – square-law detected power, spectra, Stokes parameters, VLBI U-V maps, high time ans spectral resolution pulsar data, etc.
Class for observations based on open-loop recordings |
Superclass for DSN recordings based on VSR, WVSR, OLR, etc. |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶

Data_Reduction.DSN.database Module¶
Functions for extracting complicated information from the DSN database.
The methods obtain data which are stored in different tables according to various criteria. They may just be a front end for a MySql query.
Gets the times when antenna pointing was stable and the data valid. |
Processes a scan times dictionary and returns data about each scan. |
Pretty print the scan data obtained from get_scans() |
Test this module |
Data_Reduction.DSN.logs Module¶
Functions for extracting data from the various DSN logs.
Returns the name of the EAC macro log file name. |
Adds EAC status, Tsys and five-point logs to ‘log_dict’. |
Get the EAC macro processor log file names. |
Find a generic log file. |
Finds the EAC minical log files. |
Copy the EAC logs and a local directory. |
Copy the EAC macro processor log |
Get the RAC logs |
Get the RAVI logs and scripts and data |
Get logs from the VSR. |
Extract data from five-point boresight files. |
Extract the data from a minical file. |
Gets the data from EAC logs of each type. |
Get the times when the antenna is on-source or off-source. |
I’ve forgotten what is is supposed to do. |
Get Tsys data. |
Parse a line of boresight data. |
Parse a line in a Tsys log. |
Prints out the logs of each type. |
Data_Reduction.DSN.Malargue Package¶
Subclasses for reducing data taken with DSN-like open loop recorders.
Open-loop recorders are raw IF voltage recorders that are not synchronized with the communications between the spacecraft and the ground station. As such, they are the most basic kind of recorder possible in radio astronomy, equivalent to VLBI recorders. Indeed, an early implementation was known as the “VLBI Science Recorder” (VSR), followed by later varieties of VSR and eventually, the OSR.
OLR recordings at different stations are indeed combined for VLBI measurements of spacecraft with respect to distant radio sources, a powerful navigation tool.
Raw IF recordings can be computational converted into any of the standard signal types used in radio astronomy – square-law detected power, spectra, Stokes parameters, VLBI U-V maps, high time ans spectral resolution pulsar data, etc.
Class for observations based on open-loop recording made as DSA-3 (DSS-84) |
Metadata and directory for raw data files from DSA-3. |
Class for a Malargue observing session on a given year and DOY |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶

Data_Reduction.DSN.old_init Module¶
Functions for scripts, logs and data files on the EAC, RAC, RAVI and VSR.
A lot of stuff here is either obsolete or no longer accurate
This package has functions to generate scripts, download and parse DSN logs, and manage data files. The module also initializes path names relative to a root directory whose default is:
root_dir = "/usr/local/projects/PESD/"
The observations are kept in subdirectories with names like YYYY-MM-DD in:
obs_dir = root_dir + "observations/"
This module and the others in this package assume that sshfs has been used to mount the relevant Flight Ops radio astronomy hosts as sub-directories of localhost:/usr/local/projects/PESD/rahost. The logs and some post-processed data files will be or have been copied into localhost:/usr/local/projects/PESD/observations/YYYY-MM-DD. This directory will be created when ‘make_scripts’ is run.
Moves the file pointer to right after the previous newline. |
Check the usage of the VSR BLS disk area. |
Delete the data files on venus-vsr1 for a given date. |
Get the binary record at the specified index. |
Gets the last line in an ASCII file. |
Parse a filename for the date of observation. |
Format a report of the observing parameters |
Prints selected contents from a VSR data record header. |
Associate a waveguide band with a frequency |
Sends an ssh comand to a remote host. |
Position the file pointer to the record at the specified record index. |
Position the file pointer in a binary file. |
Verify that a server is mounted. |
Data_Reduction.DSN.old_VSR Module¶
Functions for scripts, logs and data files on the EAC, RAC, RAVI and VSR.
A lot of stuff here is either obsolete or no longer accurate
This package has functions to generate scripts, download and parse DSN logs, and manage data files. The module also initializes path names relative to a root directory whose default is:
root_dir = "/usr/local/projects/PESD/"
The observations are kept in subdirectories with names like YYYY-MM-DD in:
obs_dir = root_dir + "observations/"
This module and the others in this package assume that sshfs has been used to mount the relevant Flight Ops radio astronomy hosts as sub-directories of localhost:/usr/local/projects/PESD/rahost. The logs and some post-processed data files will be or have been copied into localhost:/usr/local/projects/PESD/observations/YYYY-MM-DD. This directory will be created when ‘make_scripts’ is run.
Check the usage of the Venus VSR BLS disk area. |
Delete the data files on venus-vsr1 for a given date. |
Get the binary record at the specified index. |
Parse a VSR filename for the date of observation. |
Format a report of the observing parameters |
Form a path to an SSH mounted destination. |
Prints selected contents from a VSR data record header. |
Associate a waveguide band with a frequency |
Position the file pointer to the record at the specified record index. |
Position the file pointer in a binary file. |
Verify that a server is mounted. |
Data_Reduction.DSN.OLSR Module¶
Module OLSR¶
For open loop science recorder files using functions.
Uses module functions to access files. Object-oriented file access is in
module RSData
Supports data files from the VSR, WVSR, PVSR, OLR, etc.
Recognizes RDEF, VDR, SFDU formats
Option keys are:
'startDate' datetime.datetime
'startTime' alternate for 'startDate' as UNIX time
'lookForDate' set True if using 'startDate'
'endDate' datetime.datetime
'duration' compute 'endDate' from 'startDate'
'fixTime' ignore the fractional second of the start time
'format' a string with one of the recognized formats
'toPrintHeaders' output header
'toPrintData' output data
'leaveFileOpen' keep reading from the same file
In __main__
, date formats may be given as YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MM:SS.fff
UNIX time seconds.
The file reading functions read all the data between the specified times and their defaults. Each record is a dict which looks like this:
{'values': array([ 11. -1.j, -5. -3.j, -7.+13.j, ...,
9.+15.j, -15.-21.j, -25. +1.j]),
'times': array([0.00000e+00, 1.00000e-06, 2.00000e-06, ...,
9.99997e-01, 9.99998e-01, 9.99999e-01]),
'phase': array([-885534.63141, -885534.63141, -885534.63141, ...,
-885534.63141, -885534.63141, -885534.63141]),
'phCoeff': [[-885534.63141,
'LO': 31960000000.0,
'DDCLO': -11500000.0,
'sampleSize': 8,
'DATAFIL': '/usr/local/projects/SolarPatrol/Observations/dss84/2020/163/ NET4n004tSsMG12rOPc05-20163121517.prd',
't0': datetime.datetime(2020, 6, 11, 12, 15, 20, 999979),
'file': {'f':[],
'curRecord': []}}
method RDEF
needs options set before being called:
In [1]: import Data_Reduction.DSN.OLSR as OLSR
In [2]: filename = 'NET4n005tSsMG12rOPc05-20163122527.prd'
In [4]: options = {'format': OLSR.checkFormat(filename)}
In [6]: options.update({'toPrintHeaders': False})
In [7]: hdr = OLSR.readHeaders(filename, options)
In [14]: options.update({'duration':10, 'toPrintData':False,
'lookForDate': True, 'fixTime':True})
In [15]: data = OLSR.RDEF(filename,options)
In [18]: data['values'][:20]
array([-21. +5.j, 21.-21.j, 11. -3.j, -31. -5.j, -13. +1.j, 5. -1.j,
-3. -7.j, 5.-17.j, 15. +7.j, -17. +9.j, 21. +3.j, 29. +3.j,
19. +7.j, 13.-11.j, -11.-11.j, -1.+43.j, -25.+13.j, -19. -3.j,
-17.+17.j, 1.+25.j])
Fix the
overflow errors inVDR()
Read RDEF format datafile |
Read RSR format file |
Read VDR format datafile |
check the file format |
data sample to float |
data sample to integer |
Decode the file header |
Data_Reduction.DSN.RSData Module¶
RSData - Radio Science Data
Data handler for such recorders as VSR, WVSR, OLR, etc. It recognizes the ‘RDEF’, ‘VDR’, and ‘SFDU’ formats.
This uses:[, whence])
offset − This is the position of the read/write pointer within the file. whence − This is optional and:
* defaults to 0 which means absolute file positioning; * 1 means seek relative to the current position and * 2 means seek relative to the file's end.
class to read and convert data in radio science recorder data files |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶

Data_Reduction.DSN.STATS Module¶
Support for STATS data files.
STATS binary file structure¶
A stats binary output files begins with a stats_hdt_t structure:
typedef struct
(unsigned short header_size /* bytes, may or may not be there */
unsigned short spcid; /* station id - 10, 40, 60, 21 */
unsigned short vsrid; /* vsr1a, vsr1b ... from enum */
unsigned short chanid; /* subchannel id 0,1,2,3 */
unsigned short bps; /* number of bits per sample - 1, 2, 4, 8,
or 16 */
unsigned long srate; /* number of samples per second in kilo-
samples per second */
unsigned short error; /* hw err flag, dma error or num_samples
0 ==> no errors */
unsigned short year; /* time tag - year */
unsigned short doy; /* time tag - day of year */
unsigned long sec; /* time tag - second of day */
double freq; /* in Hz */
unsigned long orate; /* number of statistics samples per
second */
unsigned short nsubchan; /* number of output sub chans */
This unpacks with “=4H Q HHH Q d Q H”
A data record looks like this:
fwrite(&doy, sizeof(int), 1, ofp);
fwrite(&sec, sizeof(int), 1, ofp);
fwrite(&i, sizeof(int), 1, ofp);
fwrite(&mean, sizeof(double), 1, ofp);
fwrite(&var, sizeof(double), 1, ofp);
fwrite(&skew, sizeof(double), 1, ofp);
fwrite(&kurt, sizeof(double), 1, ofp);
fwrite(&mean, sizeof(double), 1, ofp);
fwrite(&var, sizeof(double), 1, ofp);
fwrite(&skew, sizeof(double), 1, ofp);
fwrite(&kurt, sizeof(double), 1, ofp);
which unpacks with “=LLL dddd dddd”
STATS ASCII file structure¶
A STATS file begins with a header. The data lines consist of:
- column 0: second, starting with 1
- column 1: sample number within the second (typically 0-999)
- column (subchannel + 2): mean
- column (subchannel + 3): r.m.s.
- column (subchannel + 4): kurtosis
- column (subchannel + 5): skewness
where subchannel = 0, 1.
Gets the recording start and stop times from a binary STATS file. |
Gets the recording times from the STATS log files. |
This reads data for one block from the data file. |
Gets the signal statistics data for a one second block. |
Get the header from a binary stats file. |
Extracts a binary record at the specified record index. |
This gets the time of a particular STATS binary file record. |
Alias for get_STATS_ASCII_data_block |
Parses the header of a STATS |
Extract the header from a binary STATS data file. |
This parses a data record that is in list format. |
Pretty-prints a STATS record that is in list format. |
This processes one line of a STATS data file |
Process the header in a STATS file |
Write a header in binary format. |
Data_Reduction.DSN.SAO Package¶
module for reducing SAO spectrometer data
Parse an SAO .hf5 filename for date and source |
A subset of data extracted from an average difference spectrum |
Class for examining SAOdataset objects |
Container for data in SAOspec HDF5 data files |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶

Data_Reduction.DSN.Tid_ASCII_data Module¶
This module handles Tidbinbilla spectroscopy data files written in ASCII format by the HP 9825 controller. The data are written in scientific notation. The precision is such that the frequencies are given to the nearest 10 kHz. As a result, computed velocities may be as much as 0.3 km/s off.
Determine the type of back end and the number channels. |
Get a scan from an ASCII file |
Get the line numbers where scans start |
Build up a dictionary of Tid scans for an observing session |
Group files by DOY |
Number of scans in each group |
Print the number of scans in a file |
Sort ASCII data files from Tidbinbilla, written with HP9825 controller. |
Data_Reduction.DSN.Tid_data Module¶
Handles old Tidbinbilla data files
Describe the station and report on the elements and their relationships. |
Initializes the scantable header |
Writes a Tid scan to a scantable row |
Deduce the number of channels from Tid ASCII file data |
Sets the attributes ‘polarizations’ and ‘num_chan’ |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶

Data_Reduction.DSN.tipping Module¶
Analyze tipping curve data taken with observatoryCtrl
A tipping array consists of two 1-D arrays, the first containing the elevation in degrees and the second the system temperature for each of the four channels.
Older files (like 2014) have only one reading and it may be dBm instead of Tsys
:param elev : elevation above the horizon in degrees :type elev : float |
Fits tipping curve data from a specified file |
Gets tipping data from a file made with observatoryCtrl |
Plots tipping curve data from a specified file |
Returns a time-ordered dict with times of files |
Data_Reduction.FITS Package¶
A package for managing FITS files.
The core module creates and operates on SDFITS-format files.
SDFITS files are composed mainly of FITS binary tables. The basic method for creating a simple 1-table file is this:
1. Create a primary HDU::
hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU()
There are optional named arguments.
- 'data=' allows a data array to be included in the primary HDU.
- 'header=' allows additional header data to be included, beyond
- the bare minimum.
2. Create the columns::
scan_array = numpy.array([0]*tablesize)
scan_col = pyfits.Column(name='SCAN',format='1I',array=scan_array)
date_array = strings.array(['']*tablesize)
date_col = pyfits.Column(name='DATE-OBS',format='A16',array=date_array)
3. Create a column definitions object::
cols = pyfits.ColDefs([scan_col,date_col])
4. Create a binary table::
tbhdu = pyfits.new_table(cols)
This also initializes a table header with required information.
There are optional named arguments:
- 'header=' allows additional header parameters to be included;
-this is in the form of a CardList() instance
-default None
- 'nrows=' specifies the number of rows in the table; default 0
- 'fill=' specifies the initial value to put in the rows; default 0
- 'tbtype=' specifies the table type; default 'BinTableHDU'
5. Create an HDU list with the primary HDU and the table::
hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu, tbhdu])
Additional tables may be appended with::
Save a scan to the FITS table |
Data_Reduction.GAVRT Package¶
Classes for GAVRT mysql database
DBPlotter (from Data_Reduction.DSN.GAVRT.Mysql.plotter) is used to reduce data stored in the LCER GAVRT MySQL database. The following example gets the coordinate data for a map made during a given session:
In [1]: from Data_Reduction.DSN.GAVRT.plotter import DBPlotter
In [2]: pl = DBPlotter()
In [3]: sp = pl.get_session_plotter(2017,233)
In [4]: map69data = sp.maps[69].get_data_from_tlogs()
In [5]: xdec,dec = sp.maps[69].get_offsets()
The databases and their schemas are described in
The server has these databases:
Database ‘dss28_eac’¶
has these tables:
In [17]: dbplotter.get_public_tables()
(('angles',), ('chan_cfg',), ('conv_cfg',), ('fiber_cfg',),
('five_point',), ('pointing_cfg',), ('raster',), ('raster_cfg',),
('rf_cfg',), ('rss_cfg',), ('seti_cfg',), ('seti_frame',),
('tlog',), ('weather',), ('xpwr',), ('xpwr_cfg',),
('xscan',), ('zplot',), ('zplot_cfg',))
Table columns¶
‘angles’ columns:
year, doy, utc, epoch, az, el, status
‘catalog’ columns:
catalog_id, name
‘chan_cfg’ columns:
year, doy, utc, epoch, chan, center_freq, tdiode
‘class’ columns:
class_id, name, description
‘conv_cfg’ columns:
year, doy, utc, epoch, converter, mode_a, ifbw_a, bbbw_a, atten_a,
mode_b, ifbw_b, bbbw_b, atten_b, lock_status
‘five_point’ columns:
xpwr_cfg_id, year, doy, utc, epoch, source_id, chan, tsrc, az, el, ha, dec,
xdec_off, dec_off
‘pointing_cfg’ columns:
year, doy, utc, epoch, man, plx, semod, refrctn, delut, model
‘raster’ columns:
raster_cfg_id, year, doy, utc, epoch, xdecoff, decoff, ha, dec, tsrc
‘raster_cfg’ columns:
rss_cfg_id, year, doy, utc, epoch, source_id, chan, freq, rate, step
‘rf_cfg’ columns:
year, doy, utc, epoch, feed, diodex, diodey, pol, transfer
‘rss_cfg’ columns:
year, doy, utc, chan, sky_freq, feed, pol, nd, if_mode, if_bw, bb_bw, fiber_chan
‘source’ columns:
source_id, catalog_id, class_id,
name, RA, Dec, size_dec, size_xdec, reference, aka
‘tlog’ columns:
rss_cfg_id, year, doy, utc, epoch, chan, top, integ, az, el, diode, level, cryo
‘weather’ columns:
datetime, pressure, temp, humidity, wind_speed, wind_dir
‘xpwr’ columns:
xpwr_cfg_id, year, doy, utc, epoch, tsys, az, el, ha, dec, offset
‘xpwr_cfg’ columns:
rss_cfg_id, source_id, cal_src_id, year, doy, utc, epoch, axis, chan, cal_flux
‘xscan’ columns:
xpwr_cfg_id, year, doy, utc, epoch, tsrc, stdev, bl_stdev, az, az_offset, el,
el_offset, ha, dec, offset, bw, corr
ad hoc fit to beamwidth vs frequency plot |
beamwidth in deg. |
class for a single scan during a boresight |
subclass for the DSS-28 EAC database |
Class for all the data and methods associated with a raster scan map |
Class for any group of data for a single purpose. |
Class for an observing session on a given year and DOY |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶

Data_Reduction.GAVRT.mysql Module¶
Classes for GAVRT data using MySQL tables
This module defines the classes BaseDB and MysqlException. It also provides subclasses for reducing data stored in the DSS-28 database.
Does the database exist on the host? |
Checks whether a table exists. |
Create a fairly private authentication file for GAVRT mysql db |
Creates a table with the specified column names and types. |
Command line function to recall the database names on a host |
Returns information about the columns in a table. |
Adds or populates a table in the specified database from a dictionary. |
Returns text string with cause of the insert error |
Prints report on all the databases |
Updates a record in ‘table’ of data base ‘db’ |
This is a database superclass. |
Handles exceptions in local module Mysql |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶

Data_Reduction.GAVRT.plotter Module¶
plots data from the DSS-28 EAC database
Database class with plotting capability. |
Class to add plotting capability to a Session object |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶

Data_Reduction.OldGAVRT Package¶
Functions for reducing Solar Patrol data
A lot of modules under this need fixing up because of change from package Observatory to MonitorControl and algorithmic to object-oriented programming.
Estimate DSS-28 beamwidth until we have something better. |
Extract map from the data files and create/fill a metadata worksheet |
Antenna response vs frequency for DSS-28 |
DSS-28 observations from before the |
This can later be subclassed, when I’ve worked out the common attributes of all recordings. |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶

Data_Reduction.OldGAVRT.plotting Module¶
plot system temperatures Module¶
Create a sheet with metadata columns |
Create a dictionary files indexed by frequency and polarization |
Get metadata from session worksheet |
Load the observations spreadsheet or create it. |
Load the observations spreadsheet |
Load the observations metadata spreadsheet or create it. |
Supporting Modules¶
Data_Reduction.boresights.boresight_fitter Module¶
This is supposed to be a general purpose boresight fitter but it has too many DSS-28 dependencies.
Create an object to fit a scan in one direction to a baseline and a Gaussian |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶

Data_Reduction.hyperfine_fit Module¶
hyperfine_fit - Fit Gaussian lines to hyperfine components
Functions needed to fit data:
Here is the basic procedure, assuming that the data are in arrays x(in MHz) and y:
plot(x,y) # to see what to expect
set_model(line) # see ammonia_data
parameter_guess = [.3,-0.6,width] # Put in appropriate numbers
result = fit_data(x,y,hpf_model,parameter_guess)
best_fit = hpf_model(x,*result) # model y-values
plot(x,best_fit) # overlaid on the data
Getting the ammonia hyperfine structure from the JPL catalog (v4) and calculating A_ul gives the wrong relative intensities. 10**logint gives the right ratios.
:param guess : parameter list. |
fit noisy data to the model |
Builds multicomponent Gaussian profile |
Create noisy data samples |
Make the model parameters global |
Test with simulated and real data. |
Data_Reduction.maps Module¶
Obsolete module replaced by plotting
and the MapPlotter
Generates a map in relative coordinates relative to a source |
Plot elevation vs azimuth |
Plot declination vs right ascension |
plot declination vs cross-declination |
Data_Reduction.SLATool Module¶
Spectral Line Analysis Tool
Environment for analyzing spectral line from multiple observatories. Manages various data reduction programs
Tool for reducing multiple data reduction sessions |
Generic container for a spectrum and its metadata |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶

Data_Reduction.SLAPlotter Module¶
Session plotting methods
Plotting component of an environment for analyzing spectral line from multiple observatories. Manages various data reduction programs.
Class Inheritance Diagram¶

Data_Reduction.TAMS_tipping Module¶
Finds Tidbinbilla tipping curve files
Instead of ‘TidTipFinder’ having an initialization argument ‘remote’, one could just test with ‘socket.gethostname’ and do a remote mount if the response is not ‘crux’.
Attributes. |
Class Inheritance Diagram¶

Data_Reduction.tipping Module¶
Analyze tipping curve data taken with observatoryCtrl
This was superceded by class TidTipAnalyzer in Data_Reduction.dss43-tipping
A tipping array consists of two 1-D arrays, the first containing the elevation in degrees and the second the system temperature for each of the four channels.
Older files (like 2014) have only one reading and it may be dBm instead of Tsys
:param elev : elevation above the horizon in degrees :type elev : float |
fits system temperatures to airmass |
Analyzer for environmental data contained in a weather data cube |