
class Data_Reduction.DSN.Malargue.Recording(session=None, name=None, dss=84, date=None, project=None)

Bases: Data_Reduction.DSN.Recording

Metadata and directory for raw data files from DSA-3.

Methods Summary


Extract metadata from a .obs file



Methods Documentation


Extract metadata from a .obs file

An .obs file has some preliminary observation followed by a section for each scan, which might be a map or series of spectra:

# SCAN_NUM  SRC_ID            START_TIME         STOP_TIME                  RA         DEC      TFREQ
# --------  ----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------  ----------  ----------
S 001       ...               2020-163T11:44:46  2020-163T11:54:49  999.000000  999.000000  31950000000.000000
# DATAFILE                               COH_FLAG  DOR_MULT                 FSUB    HARMONIC
# -------------------------------------  --------  -----------  ----------------  ----------
D NET4n001tSsMG12rOPc01-20163114446.prd  F         xxx              -3.00000e+06           0
D NET4n001tSsMG12rOPc02-20163114446.prd  F         xxx              -1.00000e+06           0
D NET4n001tSsMG12rOPc03-20163114446.prd  F         xxx              +1.00000e+06           0
D NET4n001tSsMG12rOPc04-20163114446.prd  F         xxx              +3.00000e+06           0
D NET4n001tSsMG12rOPc05-20163114446.prd  F         xxx              -3.00000e+06           0
D NET4n001tSsMG12rOPc06-20163114446.prd  F         xxx              -1.00000e+06           0
D NET4n001tSsMG12rOPc07-20163114446.prd  F         xxx              +1.00000e+06           0
D NET4n001tSsMG12rOPc08-20163114446.prd  F         xxx              +3.00000e+06           0

Lines with usable metedata are keyed with:

D - datafile and subchannel data
R - station 1
S - scan
T - station 2
V - version
Z - end of section

If no list of filenames is given, it will take the first one, if there are any.



# The metadata may not always fall on the same lines. This that case,

search for “OL Sample Rate”, get its index, and t