
class Data_Reduction.DSN.SAO.SAOhdf5(filename, clobber_0=True, clobber_center=True)

Bases: object

Container for data in SAOspec HDF5 data files


SAO HDF5 File Structure

SAO spectra are acquired from each ROACH once every five seconds. Each of these is a record. Records are grouped into scans. So a 2-min integration will have 24 records for each of the four ROACH boards.

A typical dataset looks like this:

In [8]: data.values()
[<HDF5 dataset "NSCANS":          shape (1, 1), type "<f4">,
 <HDF5 dataset "SITEELEV":        shape (1, 1), type "|S13">,
 <HDF5 dataset "SITELAT":         shape (1, 1), type "|S13">,
 <HDF5 dataset "SITELONG":        shape (1, 1), type "|S13">,
 <HDF5 dataset "obs_freq":        shape (1, 1), type "<f4">,
 <HDF5 dataset "rest_freq":       shape (1, 1), type "<f4">,
 <HDF5 dataset "v_ref":           shape (1, 1), type "|S10">,
 <HDF5 dataset "vsys":            shape (1, 1), type "<f4">,
 <HDF5 dataset "integ_time":      shape (1, 4), type "<f4">,
 <HDF5 dataset "scan_number":     shape (326, 1), type "<f4">,
 <HDF5 dataset "date_obs":        shape (326, 1), type "|S10">,
 <HDF5 dataset "time_obs":        shape (326, 1), type "|S10">,
 <HDF5 dataset "timestamp":       shape (326, 1), type "<i8">,
 <HDF5 dataset "LST":             shape (326, 1), type "|S13">,
 <HDF5 dataset "scan_duration":   shape (326, 1), type "<f4">,
 <HDF5 dataset "observer":        shape (326, 1), type "|S10">,
 <HDF5 dataset "source_name":     shape (326, 1), type "|S10">,
 <HDF5 dataset "onsource":        shape (326, 1), type "|b1">,
 <HDF5 dataset "current_azel":    shape (326, 2), type "<f4">,
 <HDF5 dataset "offsets":         shape (326, 2), type "<f4">,
 <HDF5 dataset "source_azel":     shape (326, 2), type "|S12">,
 <HDF5 dataset "source_long_lat": shape (326, 2), type "|S13">,
 <HDF5 dataset "source_radec":    shape (326, 2), type "|S13">,
 <HDF5 dataset "weather":         shape (326, 6), type "<f4">]
 <HDF5 dataset "Tsys":            shape (326, 4), type "<f4">,
 <HDF5 dataset "bandwidth":       shape (326, 4), type "<f4">,
 <HDF5 dataset "mode":            shape (326, 4), type "|S10">,
 <HDF5 dataset "pol":             shape (326, 4), type "|S3">,
 <HDF5 dataset "spectraCh1":      shape (326, 32768), type "<f4">,
 <HDF5 dataset "spectraCh2":      shape (326, 32768), type "<f4">,
 <HDF5 dataset "spectraCh3":      shape (326, 32768), type "<f4">,
 <HDF5 dataset "spectraCh4":      shape (326, 32768), type "<f4">,

In order, the first set are parameters which do not change for the entire dataset. integ_time is specified for each backend. The remaining parameters are different for each integration. Most of the remaining arrays are arrays with multiple values in an obvious way such as five sec integrations, or parameters for each DSProc (ROACH). The data associated with each nominally 5 sec are associated with scans like this:

In [49]:['weather'].value
array([[ 28.05555725, 946.18383789,  21.9917202 ,  9.88373375, 187.,  0.],
       [ 28.05555725, 946.18383789,  21.24612045,  9.26599979, 157.,  0.],
       [ 28.05555725, 946.18383789,  21.24612045,  9.26599979, 157.,  0.],
       [ 28.38888931, 945.9130249 ,  19.21655655,  5.55959988,  42.,  0.],
       [ 28.38888931, 945.9130249 ,  18.9209938 ,  5.55959988,  44.,  0.],
       [  0.        ,   0.        ,   0.        ,  0.        ,   0.,  0.]],

The records are associated with scans like this:

In [48]:['scan_number'].value
array([[ -1.],[ -1.],[ -1.],[ -1.],[ -1.],[ -1.],[ -1.],[ -1.],[-1.],[-1.],
       [  1.],[  1.],[  1.],[  1.],[  1.],[  1.],[  1.],[  1.],[ 1.],[ 1.],
       [  1.],[  1.],
       [ -1.],[ -1.],
       [  2.],[  2.],[  2.],[  2.],[  2.],[  2.],[  2.],[  2.],[ 2.],[ 2.],
       [  2.],[  2.],
       [ -1.],[ -1.],[ -1.],
       [ -1.],[ -1.],
       [ 19.],[ 19.],[ 19.],[ 19.],[ 19.],[ 19.],[ 19.],[ 19.],[19.],[19.],
       [ 19.],[ 19.],[ 19.],
       [ -1.],[ -1.],
       [ 20.],[ 20.],[ 20.],[ 20.],[ 20.],[ 20.],[ 20.],[ 20.],[20.],[20.],
       [ 20.],[ 20.],
       [ -1.],
       [  0.]], dtype=float32)

This class has an attribute ‘container’ similar to an SDFITS table. The ‘spec’ axes are:

frequency   - 32768 equally spaced frequencies in the topocentric frame
R.A.        -     1 J2000 coordinate
declination -     1 J2000 coordinate
pol         -     2 for E,H or L,R
time        -     N seconds since midnight for each record in a scan
beam        -     2 for 1,2
clobber_0 - set 0th value to 1st value if True
clobber_center - set 16384th value to mean of 16383th and 16385th if True
container - SAOdataset object in which the reformatted data are stored
data - HDF5 file contents (temporary)
filename - name of HDF5 file
logger - logging.Logger instance
meta - metadata from HDF5 file
num_DSP - number of signal processors
num_uniq - number of unique records for each scan and beam and pol
PROJID - identifier string for project
SITEELEV - elevation of telescope (m)
SITELAT - latitude of telescope (deg)
SITELONG - east longitude of telescope (deg)
spec - nparray of spectra
uniq_recs - dict with number of unique records for each pol and beam
extract_valid_records - gets non-duplicate, non-zero records
to_dataset - returns an SAOdataset instance

Methods Summary


Remove duplicate and empty records from each scan.


Fills container with data in format suitable for pickling (saving to disk)

Methods Documentation


Remove duplicate and empty records from each scan.

Returns nparray of valid records, number of valid records for each pol,beam


Fills container with data in format suitable for pickling (saving to disk)

This method is used by the calling program which initializes this class to put the data in a FITS-like format that can be put in a pickle file.