

Extract the data from a minical file.

This gets the data from the minical log files and puts them in a dictionary keyed with ‘calXXXX’ where XXXX is the frequency in MHz.

:param cal_file : File with minical data :type cal_file : string


(dict of dicts) A dictionary keyed with the DOY/UT of a record.

The values are also dictionaries whose keys are::
  • year: year

  • dss: station number

  • freq: frequency in MHz

  • bw: bandwidth in MHz

  • t_samp: seconds per sample

  • n_samp: number of samples per measurement

  • UT HH.HHH: minical data for time HH.HHH in UT hours, consisting of

  • DOY: day of year

  • El: telescope elevation

  • Freq: receiver frequency

  • Gain: linear gain

  • Hum: humidity

  • Lin: linearity

  • Pol: polarization

  • Press: atmospheric pressure

  • R1: reduced minical measurements

  • R2:

  • R3:

  • R4:

  • R5:

  • R6:

  • T(follow): post-LNA follow-on temperature

  • T(lna): LNA effective noise temperature

  • T(load): load effective noise temperature

  • Tdiode: effective noise diode temperature

  • Tphys: load physical temperature

  • Tsys: system noise temperature

  • UT: UT in decimal hours

  • Wind_dir: wind direction in degrees

  • Wind_vel: wind velocity in ?

  • WxTemp: air temperature