(line)¶ Parse a line of boresight data.
Proxesses data from an EAC
file, where xxx ispri
(primary, the preferred frequency for the boresight) orsec
is a line from the log file. The columns in the table are:- DOY: day of year (3 digit integer) - UTC: Coordinated Universal Time (HH:MM:SS) - SOURCE: name of the source used for boresight - FREQ: receiver frequency used (MHz) - POL: feed polarization (LCP/RCP) - HA: approximate hour angle (deg) at center position - DEC: approximate declination (deg) at center position - AZ: approximate azimuth (deg) at center position - EL: approximate elevation (deg) at center position - AX_HXPOS: total initial cross-elevation or cross-declination offset (deg) - EL_DEPOS: total initial elevation or declination offset (deg) - DELTAP_X: delta Ta (K) at X-direction plus offset (nominallY +HPBW/2) - DELTAZ_X: delta Ta (K) at X-direction zero offset - DELTAM_X: delta Ta (K) at X-direction minus offset (nominally -HPBW/2) - NUMPTS_X: always 0 (number of samples at a position?) - RMS_X: always 0.0 (r.m.s. of sample mean) - BASEP_X: Ta (K) of baseline in plus X offset direction - ON1_X: always 0 - ON2_X: always 0 - BASEM_X: Ta (K) of baseline in minus X offset direction - BW_X: measured beamwidth (deg) in X direction - ERR_X: estimated error (deg) of beamwidth in X direction - POS_X: total boresight offset (deg) in X not including manual offset - DELTAP_Y: delta Ta (K) at Y-direction minus offset (nominallY -HPBW/2) - DELTAZ_Y: delta Ta (K) at Y-direction zero offset position - DELTAM_Y: delta Ta (K) at Y-direction plus offset (nominallY +HPBW/2) - NUMPTS_Y: always 0 - RMS_Y: always 0.0 - BASEP_Y: Ta (K) of baseline in plus Y offset direction - ON1_Y: always 0 - ON2_Y: always 0 - BASEM_Y: Ta (K) of baseline in minus Y offset direction - BW_Y: measured beamwidth (DEG) in Y direction - ERR_Y: estimated error (deg) of beamwidth in Y direction - POS_Y: total boresight offset (deg) in Y not including manual offset
The following summarize the boresight results. One pair of columns should be the same as POS_X and POS_Y and the other pair calculated from these, depending on whether the boresight was done in XDEC,DEC or XEL,EL:
- XELOFF: total boresight offet (deg) in cross-el, not incl. manual offs. - ELOFF: total boresight offet (deg) in elevation, not incl. manual offs. - XDECOFF: total boresight offet (deg) in cross-dec, not incl. manual offs. - DECOFF: total boresight offet (deg) in declination, not incl. manual offs. - The following may vary according to a subreflector position model - YPOS: subreflector Y axis position (inches) - ZPOS: subreflector Z axis position (inches)
The following are offsets from the model:
- YOFF: subreflector Y axis offset (inches) - ZOFF: subreflector Z axis offset (inches)
The information extracted from this and returned in a dictionary is:
- time: UNIX timestamp in seconds since the epoch 1970.0 - SOURCE: - FREQ: - POL: - HA: - DEC - AZ: - EL:
This function is unfinished.