
Data_Reduction.DSN.old_init.header_report(year, doy, start_sec, freq, spc, vsr, nchan, bw, bps, nsamps)

Format a report of the observing parameters

This reports parameters such as those found in a RAVI or VSR data file, such as those in a STATS file header.

:param year : Year the file was made :type year : int

:param doy : Day of year that the file was made :type doy : int

:param start_sec : Seconds since midnight for the record :type start_sec : int

:param freq : Frequency in MHz :type freq : float

:param spc : Number identifying the SPC where the VSR resides :type spc : int

  • vsr (int) – Number identifying the VSR

  • nchan (int) – Number of channels recorded

:param bw : Recording bandwidth :type bw : float

:param bps : Bits per sample :type bps : int

:param nsamps : Samp/s (not the inverse of the bandwidth if data were averaged. :type nsamps : int