
Data_Reduction.FITS.save_scan_data(row, scan, dateobs, source, interval, antenna, be, spectrum)

Save a scan to the FITS table

This collect relevant backend data to write to FITS data table. It is for a “standard” (e.g. ASAP-compatible) SDFITS file initialized with the steps in this module’s docstring.

:param scan : Scan number :type scan : int

:param dateobs : ISO format time :type dateobs : str

:param source : Source name :type source : str

:param interval : Integration time :type interval : float

:param antenna : Antenna parameters like RA and decl. :type antenna : dict

:param be : Backend parameters :type be : dict

:param spectrumdictionary

Spectra indexed by polarization

:param rowint

Row into which to put the data