
class Data_Reduction.Map(parent=None, name=None, dss=None, date=None, project=None)

Bases: Data_Reduction.Observation, Data_Reduction.GriddingMixin

Map class without special features for GAVRT and Malargue

Most of the methods are mixed in to avoid conflicting with subclasses

Methods Summary

regrid([width, height, step, power_key])

converts a map from observed coordinates to map coordinates

Methods Documentation

regrid(width=1.0, height=1.0, step=None, power_key=None)

converts a map from observed coordinates to map coordinates

If step is not given then the step size will be the average step size in X and the average step in Y. In this case, the effect is to make a regular grid if the original positions were not exact, i.e., pointing error.

:param width : map width in deg :type width : float

:param height : map height in deg :type height : float

:param step : map step size in X and Y in deg :type step : (float, float)

:param power_key : dict key of Z-value :type power_key : str