
class Data_Reduction.SLATool.SessionAnalyzer(project=None, dss=None, year=None, DOY=None)

Bases: object

Tool for reducing multiple data reduction sessions


datapath DOY DSS examiners logger project projectdatapath projworkpath year


In [1]: from Data_Reduction.SLATool import SessionAnalyzer In [2]: sa = SessionAnalyzer(project=’67P’, year=2015, DOY=204) In [3]: x, sum_y, sum_Tsys, sum_intgr = sa.get_average()

Methods Summary

Tsys_scaling([weather_data, examiner_keys, Tatm])

factors to rescale the system powers or temperatures to K based on FE noise

fit_Tsys_to_airmass([weather_data, …])

Fit tipping curve data implicit in sessions elev and Tsys data


Computes average spectrum for a source in the session


Get data from specific datasets for analyzing environmental conditions.


Gets a list of sources from all the datasets in the session


creates the directory path to the data from the session


Opens the files for the session in /usr/local/RA_data/FITS

rescale_Tsys(gain, siggain, Kpam, sigKpam)

rescale system temperatures from tipping curve fits

Methods Documentation

Tsys_scaling(weather_data=None, examiner_keys=None, Tatm=250)

factors to rescale the system powers or temperatures to K based on FE noise

:param weather_data : consolidated environmental data :type weather_data : dict

:param examiner_keys : keys of files from this date to be included :type examiner_keys : list of int

:param Tatm : air temperature along line of sight :type Tatm : float

fit_Tsys_to_airmass(weather_data=None, examiner_keys=None, Tatm=250, linear=True)

Fit tipping curve data implicit in sessions elev and Tsys data

Returns numpy arrays with indices for sig/ref state, subchannel, beam, IF. The first returned value is the zero airmass intercept and the second its standard deviation. The second returned value is K/airmass

:param weather_data : consolidated environmental data :type weather_data : dict

:param examiner_keys : keys of files from this date to be included :type examiner_keys : list of int

:param Tatm : air temperature along line of sight :type Tatm : float

:param linear : use the linear (low tau) approximation :type linear : True


Computes average spectrum for a source in the session

Prints r.m.s. noise for each dataset and all datasets together

:param source : source for which averaging is done


Get data from specific datasets for analyzing environmental conditions.

Returns a dict with keys ‘TAMBIENT’, ‘WINDDIRE’, ‘UNIXtime’, ‘TSYS’, ‘HUMIDITY’, ‘PRESSURE’, ‘ELEVATIO’, ‘WINDSPEE’. The data asociated with each key is a dict with numpy array for (SIG state) True and for False. The ‘TSYS’ array has four axes representing:

time index   - 0-based sequence in order of matplotlib datenum
subchannel   - CYCLE value
beam         - 1-based number sequence
IF           - 1-based number sequence, usually representing pol

The other keys have only a time axis.


Gets a list of sources from all the datasets in the session


creates the directory path to the data from the session

It is crafted from the name of the first FITS file


Opens the files for the session in /usr/local/RA_data/FITS

rescale_Tsys(gain, siggain, Kpam, sigKpam)

rescale system temperatures from tipping curve fits