
class Data_Reduction.Session(parent=None, date=None, project=None, dss=None, path=None)

Bases: object

Base class for an observing session on a given year and DOY

Public Attributes:

doy (int)               - day of year for session
logger (logging.Logger) - logging.Logger object
parent (object)         - a data reduction session (mult. observ. sessions)
year (int)              -
doy (int)               -
project (str)           -
session_dir (str)       - path to results from this session

A session usually refers to a telescope, date and project. This will normally define a path to the session directory.

Methods Summary


find or make the sessions directory

select_data_files([datapath, name_pattern, …])

Provide the user with menu to select data files.

Methods Documentation


find or make the sessions directory


path (str) –

select_data_files(datapath=None, name_pattern='', auto=True, load_hdf=False)

Provide the user with menu to select data files.

Finding the right data store is complicated as there are many kinds of data files

  • If datapath is …RA_data/HDF5/… then the files could be .h5 (Ashish) or .hdf5 (Dean).

  • If datapath is …RA_data/FITS/… then the extent is .fits.

  • If datapath is …project_data/… then the extent is .pkl

  • If datapath is …projects/… (default) then the extent is probably .csv or .dat or .prd.

:param datapath : path to top of the tree where the DSS subdirectories are :type datapath : str

:param name_pattern : pattern for selecting file names, e.g. source :type name_pattern : str

:param load_hdf : use RA_data/HDF5 directory if True :type load_hdf : bool

@para auto : take all files found :type auto : bool


list of str