
class Data_Reduction.boresights.boresight_fitter.ScanFitter(scan)

Bases: object

Create an object to fit a scan in one direction to a baseline and a Gaussian

Public attributes:

atten         - (float) receiver channel attenuation for this can
baseline_pars - (nparray) polynomial parameters for baseline
calibrator    - (Astronomy.Ephem.calibrator) calibrator source
data          - (nparray) VFC count
ddecs         - (nparray) declination offsets
direction     - (str) scan axis
dxdecs        - (nparray) cross-declination offsets
logger        - (logging.Logger)
pars          - (nparray) Gaussian parameters

Methods Summary


Extract the appropriate data

Methods Documentation


Extract the appropriate data

For raster scans, xdec means that xdec stays fixed while the antenna moves up and down; dec means that ‘dec’ stays fixed while the left and right.

The Gaussian is assumed to fit the inner five beamwidths of the data, though that limit can be adjusted. The baseline is the rest of the data, although the lower baseline includes at least data[:5] and the upper baseline includes data[-5:]