(elev, Tsys, Tatm=250, method='linear')¶ fits system temperatures to airmass
The length of ‘elev’ and the first axis of ‘Tsys’ must be the same
If the Tsys array has two or more dimensions then a fit is done on the data over the first index for all the values of the other indices and the results will have the same shape as the indices 1..N
If Tatm is given, the radiative transfer equation will be used and K/am will be Tatm*tau(zenith). If it is not given, the straight-line low-tau equation is used and Tatm*tau(zenith) will be the slope of the line.
:param elev : 1D array of elevations :type elev : list or 1D numpy.array of float
:param Tsys : ND array of system temperatures :type Tsys : list or numpy.array of float
:param Tatm : mean air temperature along path :type Tatm : float
:param linear : use the linear (low tau) approximation :type linear : True