(x, pos, std, *args)¶ A form of ‘multigauss’ that curfit can use.
This is a sum of Gaussians in which the position ‘pos’, width (std) and amplitudes (*args) are allowed to vary. The widths of all the Gaussians are equal to ‘std’. The relative positions of all the Gaussians are passed through a global ‘other_pars’.
The arbitrary number of amplitudes of the Gaussians are passed in ‘*args’. The same number of positions for the Gaussians are defined as global to the module, e.g.:
multigauss.other_pars = -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4
:param x : independent variable :type x : nparray of float
:param pos : position of the reference peak :type pos : float
:param std : st-dev same for all Gaussians :type std : float
:param args : amplitudes of the Gaussians :type args : list or tuple of float