
class MonitorControl.BackEnds.Backend(name, inputs=None, output_names=None, active=True, processors=None)

Bases: MonitorControl.Device

Defines the Backend class, some assembly of DSP hardware.

Ultimately the signal is processed and recorded. Although only the properties of the recorded signal are required for data analysis, it is good documentation practice to identify the device which records the signal so the FITS keyword BACKEND is strongly recommended.

This is an base (or ancestor) class. A Backend may use multiple processors represented by the private class DSProc. A ROACH is one realization of a DSProc. All DSProc instances must have the same firmware to implement parallel signal paths.

Public attributes, in addition to those defined for the Device superclass::
  • DSProc - private class for hardware

Methods Summary


Returns the parameters defining the STOKES axis of SDFITS table from signals


Read data into memory.


Start taking data.


Stop taking data.

Methods Documentation


Returns the parameters defining the STOKES axis of SDFITS table from signals

This returns the NRAO FITS codes for the polarizations of the signals entering a backend.


Read data into memory.


Start taking data.

:param integration_time : stop after this many seconds; raise ‘done’ flag’ :type integration_time : float


Stop taking data.

:param save : True to save data, False to discard. :type save : Boolean