
MonitorControl.ClassInstance(templateClass, subclass, *args, **kwargs)

This creates an instance of the specified sub-class

It passes the arguments, if any, to the sub-class initializer. An example of using this function:

>>>  IFsw = ClassInstance(Switch, JFW50MS287, lab, "Nx1", 0)

(The last argument is required for the JFW50MS287 to specify which output port it is associated with.)



This approach was recommended by Barzia Tehrani on 2012 Oct 14, 11:36 am: ‘I have seen Instantiate helper methods just to bridge the gap between different languages.’

  • subclass must provide the template with all the arguments that it (The) –

  • requires.

:param : :type : param templateClass : the superclass for this device :param : :type : type templateClass : class :param : :type : param subclass : the implementation of this specific device :param : :type : type subclass : class :param : :type : param args : sequential arguments required to initialize the subclass :param : :type : param kwargs : keyword arguments required to intitialize the subclass