
Radio_Astronomy.radio_flux.planet_brightness(planet, freq)

Brightness temperature of a planet.

:param planet : name of the planet (or ‘Sun’) :type planet : str

:param freq : frequency (or frequencies) in GHz :type freq : float or array of float


float or array of float

The data are from

Butler et al, Icarus, 154, 226B (2001) for 4.86-22.46 GHz

Ulich et al., IEEE Proc. Ant. Prop., AP-28, 367-377 (1980) for 86.1 GHz

Yefanov et al. Radiofizika, 13, 219 (1970) for 37.5 and 138.9

Baars et al., Z.f.Astroph. 61, 134 (1965) for 14.5 GHz